Rose Tinted Financial Services C.I.C

Rose Tinted Financial Services C.I.C

Rose Tinted Financial Services offers Personal Financial Support and Mental Wellbeing Services for people from all backgrounds and ages who are in debt, just live from paycheck to paycheck and are struggling to take control over their financial situation provoking a negative impact on their mental health.

04 March 2025
04 March 2025
A group of five women sitting together on a brown leather couch in a warmly lit room.
18 months
Cost of capital
Amount invested
£10,000 (£2900 grant+ £7100 loan)
Product type
Blended – part grant, part loan
Year of Investment
Investor Details
Key Fund

The social investment was a huge deal for us at the time, although a relatively small amount, it was the glue to strategic growth plans, cash flow and core financial support services.

Ebony Rebecca, Founder and CEO, Rose Tinted Financial Services C.I.C


Financial insecurity, particularly among individuals who have faced hardship, debt, or systemic barriers, can have a huge impact on an individual’s life, mental health, and relationships. Many people struggle with managing their finances due to a lack of accessible financial education, low income, or past experiences that have left them in a difficult situation. 

Traditional financial services often overlook or exclude those who need the most support, making it harder for them to break free from cycles of debt and instability. Rose Tinted aims to bridge this gap by providing a range of services, from financial planning and group support to educational courses and one-to-one budgeting. They aim to improve people’s financial situation together and start building wealth. They are also aware of the additional financial barriers women face, highlighted by the gender pay gap. To tackle this, they also do targeted intervention. 

At the time of investment, they were just turning 3 years old and had recently applied for their biggest grant to date £40K, but it was coming in instalments. Through that grant, they were able to secure a contract with the council, however, payments were scheduled for a later date. As they worked to expand their services and impact, investment was needed to sustain both existing and new services.


They work in the community to deliver support to individuals, referred by NHS social prescribing service or self-referrals; and organisations who want to improve their financial literacy. 

They offer medium-to-long-term support, typically lasting around six months, because from lived experience they know transforming financial habits takes time. Their approach is highly personal, each client is paired with a dedicated financial support worker, ensuring they receive consistent guidance and avoiding having to repeat their story multiple times. At Rose Tinted Financial Services, the focus goes beyond just financial planning; they take the time to truly listen and understand how individuals feel about their financial situation while also helping them take practical steps toward a more positive financial future.


Rose Tinted Financial Services generate revenue by selling goods and services to not for profit businesses and public sector bodies – including financial workshops. They also provide programmes and workbooks for individuals alongside other sources of income including grants. 


The investment enabled them to bring their project to life by covering not only essential costs such as staff salaries and room hire but also helped them secure additional finance via grants and contracts.

This financial support ensured the project's sustainability and also had a great impact on the individuals they help. With dedicated staff in place and accessible spaces to deliver their services, they were able to provide consistent, high-quality support to those in need. 
This stability meant individuals could rely on ongoing guidance, access vital resources, and build the confidence and skills necessary to take control of their financial future.

RTFS provide essential support in the form of personalised one to one financial educational programme for people in financial difficulty. This provision is both preventive and curative for many given the current stresses on people’s finances. Clients get personalised one to one session to complete income and expenses reviews, financial education programs, budgeting skills, habits, and financial literacy. The £10,000 investment (£7,100 loan & £2,900 Grant) supported the enterprise with working capital to deliver on a newly awarded NHS contract. Following a successful pilot. Following our investment Ebony has increased income revenue streams and the enterprise is more profitable, highlighting how the investment has helped their sustainability and reach in the community.”

Tom Bostock, Investment Manager, Key Fund