Community Asset Development Fund

Contact person: Alun Jones
Phone: 0300 111 0124

Community Asset Development Fund

The Community Asset Development Fund (CADF) supports social businesses that are aiming to bring an asset into community ownership - either by:

  • purchasing the asset
  • purchasing and renovating the asset
  • renovating an existing asset that is not in full use
  • equipping an asset

Organisations will be able to apply for up to £150,000 in West Wales and the Valleys (WWV) and £100,000 in East Wales (EW). Match funding of at least 40% in WWV and 50% in EW is required. For example, to access £150,000 of funding in WWV would mean you need to provide £100,000 of additional match funding.

CADF is 40% grant and 60% repayable assistance. How much you repay will be dependent on how much the organisation's income increases.