Impact Loans England

Contact person: Linda Wickstrom

Impact Loans England

The programme is funded by Access – The Foundation for Social Investment, with finance being provided by its partner Big Society Capital. We work with a broad range of impact organisations, that are tackling poverty from a variety of angles, from homelessness and housing to education & employment, health & well-being, and access to arts & culture, and many more.

Investment can be used for a variety of projects, including:

  • Working capital;
  • Buying equipment;
  • Contract fulfilment;
  • Business development;
  • Hiring new talent.

You can apply for Impact Loans England if:

  • You are a social enterprise or charity;
  • You can demonstrate an ability to repay finance;
  • You have a track record of trading;
  • You are a well-managed organisation with good governance;
  • You are based in England.

The loans can be structured to your individual needs and are usually unsecured which means there is not a requirement to put any personal guarantees in place as security.